“A lady clad in teal, aged by 17 summers, did witness The Great Atrocity. A great dragon burst forth from the sky and blanketed the land in a fiery wrath. A great confusion befell the people as demons under the guise of men laid waste to the crowds. The lady had interfered with one of the demons who attempted to steal the life of another. A bolt was received on her forehead. It was then that The Maiden of Blood did receive the truth of the world. Her third eye revealing what people have been blind to since time began.”
– an excerpt from the Tome of Somna, recovered in the ruins of the Stilnes Woods
For hundreds of years, information pertaining to what many call “The Great Atrocity” had been lost to modern civilization. During the last few months of my investigation, I have managed to find more information than I would have ever hoped to dream. Of course, most of the information presented can only be taken at face value, however, there is always a logical explanation to works such as these. This is an archive of all my findings as well as a personal diary of my thoughts on the matter. Please feel free to browse through this information and use it (with proper citation) to your heart’s content.
- Fresco of The Bleeding Maiden
Dr. Lila May Prinz is 45-years-old and enjoys sailing, jigsaw puzzles and attending museums. She is an inspiring and bright leading archaeological specialist here at Archaea Labs. She has a post-graduate degree in geological studies, minoring in archaeology. She is currently married to Ernest B. Anderson, CFO of Altruzia Bank™ and three children.
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